Monday, August 31, 2009

Week 2 Day 2 - 8/31/09

Brisk walk for 5 minutes. Run 90 seconds, walk 2 minutes, repeat for 20 minutes.

Today was a much better day! I downloaded a running podcast that was specifically for Cto5k Week 2. It is set to music that has the right tempo for the running/walking parts and there is a guy who tells you when to run and walk. Although I don't know if I trust the little podcast man.. He says you should be able to hold a conversation while you are running. Seriously? I run by myself and can't hold a silent conversation in my head, let alone grunt at someone next to me. I also think he cheats on the time because his 90 seconds seem way longer than that!
But the podcast really did help. Instead on fiddling with a timer and constantly looking at my watch I was able to concentrate on running and getting through each part, knowing that little podcast guy would tell me when to switch. I think it made the run much easier.
The weather was beautiful this headwind and a little chilly. I would so much rather it be chilly than hot for a run! It also smelled like dryer sheets all through out the neighborhood. How weird is that?

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Week 2 Day 1 - 8/29/09

Brisk walk for 5 minutes. Run 90 seconds, walk 2 minutes, repeat for 20 minutes.

Today was a new routine and it was brutal. If my first day had been like today I would not have kept running. It doesn't seem like adding 30 more seconds of running would be that big of a deal but it really was for me. It was tough on my lungs and the lingering sinus infection didn't help.
Most of the problem for me today was mental and running is very much a mental game. My ipod wouldn't download a running podcast, Chris and Addison got me off to a late start, I didn't eat well before running, the headwind was back and I was not dressed warm enough, and the list goes on and on. It all added up to put me in a mood that was not good for running.
My lifes mantra is "Everything is what you make of it" and that really applies here. Today was a bad day for running because *I* made it bad.

On a funnier note-
Holy Grasshopper Batman! The grasshoppers were everywhere and completely covering the ground everywhere I ran. Running through them was like parting the grasshopper sea! Normally I don't care about bugs but I do mind when they swarm on me and get in my hair and clothes. Those booger are hard to get off and really stick to you! I didn't want to lose momentum so I kept on going.. all while trying to beat them off of me. I am sure it looked like I was having some sort of seizure while running down the road, to which I am slightly offended that no one stopped to see if I was ok. I think I was several peoples morning entertainment.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Week 1 Day 3 - 8/27/09

Brisk walk for 5 minutes. Run 60 seconds, walk 90 seconds, repeat for 20 minutes.

Today wasn't any better running wise than day 2 but it also wasn't any worse so I guess that is a good thing. It was an awful day to run though. It was half misting and half raining with a strong wind. Running home I felt like I was running in super slow motion. At one point I even did the Bionic Man noise in my head. (remember that show? now that was quality tv!) The elementary school is in our neighborhood and I run right during drop off time. 4 people honked at me today.. is that a good or bad thing? Either way I think I need a new time to run!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Week 1 Day 2 - 8/25/09

Brisk walk for 5 minutes. Run 60 seconds, walk 90 seconds, repeat for 20 minutes.

Today was worse than day 1. After about 5 minutes my body realized what I was about to do and it rebelled. Everything shins, my rear, my back, my legs, even my hair hurts from the pony tail. It doesn't help that I also have a sinus infection from Addison starting Kindergarten and all the germy little kids. I am plugging through but not having a good time. My friend Jimmy who is a life long runner swears that it gets better. It better or I am running over there and kicking him in the shins.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Week 1 Day 1- 8/22/09 (why do all important things in my life deal with the number 22?)

Brisk walk for 5 minutes. Run 60 seconds, walk 90 seconds, repeat for 20 minutes.

I did it! So take that all you people who laughed hysterically when I told you I was going to start running. Honestly, I can't believe I made it the whole way through without stopping or giving up. I think my body allowed me to do it because it had no clue as to what was going on.
Chris followed me on his bike, pulling Addison in the trailer. I am not sure if they were a positive or negative factor. Addison yelled out "Hey mom! I didn't know you knew how to run!" and Chris keeps repeating "Wow, you don't run totally like a girl" Thanks guys. lol
I hurt already so I am sure the day after will not be much fun.