Sunday, October 3, 2010

Chicken Wings

Well. I am now a proud member of the "Super Bad Race Photos Club".

Seriously. I have looked through hundreds of professional race photos and all of them have the same thing in common - they are bad. Really bad in some cases. I swear the photographers must go to a class that teaches them how to get the runners in the worst position.. mouth wide open or in a grimace, looking like you are about to pass out, gravity pulling you down, and in my case chicken wings flying.

Mile 5.5. I am not sure what Chris is doing. Thats the gesture I use when yelling at cars to slow down. Maybe he is telling the photographer that we are running slow.
Note to self - A running jacket tied around your waist does nothing to enhance your figure when running.
Chris looks way too happy and springy here for having just run the longest distance in his life.

Chicken Wings flying, pasty legs, and I look like my brother. Not a good combo.



  1. Awww I don't think they're bad at all! Be proud!

  2. I don't think they're bad either! Chris does look super happy.

  3. Please. I think I win with the worst racing photos ever. I cringe just looking back at the 5K.
