Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Lake Z run, 8/24/10

Weather during run:
Temp: 73 degrees
Heat Index: 75 degrees
3.01 miles @ 35:26 

My time is improving! It was only 11 seconds this time but that is still faster than last time. A slow faster but whatever. It was a bit of a difficult run and my lungs did not like it at all but I made it through.

This is the hill I have to walk down to get to the lake. With all the sun and rain it has really overgrown and is a bit muddy. It is also at the end of a cul-de-sac and and starting to creep me out. I think I need to stop watching Criminal Minds. 

Or start running with my dog.

1 comment:

  1. Running with a dog always makes me feel safer. At least, with our blue heeler. No one takes my 7 lb. Maltese-Poodle mix very seriously. :)
