Monday, September 21, 2009

Week 5 Day 1 - 9/21/09

Brisk walk for 5 minutes. Run 5 minutes, walk 3 minutes, run 5 minutes, walk 3 minutes, run 5 minutes.

We did it! We did it! Whooo Hooo We did it!

It was chilly, misting rain, and we are all still sick so I did not have much hope for running 3 5 minute runs. Amanda and I did a repeat of W4 D3 on Friday and it did not go well so I really thought today was going to be a bust. I think running together pushed us both to keep running when we normally would have quit. It was good for me because now I cant give up the next time because I know that I have done it already. Amanda leaves today and I will be sorry to see my running buddy go. We wont get a chance to run together until November when we run the 5k.

I also figured out why last week I could not finish that last 5 minute run. I have long legs and a long stride so I would take off when it was time to run and go too fast. I would burn myself out and then have nothing left at the end. Today I ran behind Amanda and that forced me to slow down and to stay at a steady pace. My lungs were burning but my legs felt good at the end of each 5 minutes. I think if I can get over this sinus/cold stuff and work on my lungs functioning (I have asthma) I will be in pretty good shape!

Our total walk/run was 2.04 miles in 27 minutes which averages to a 13.5 minute walk/run mile.

I am a Penguin. Hear me roar!


  1. WOOOHOOOO! :) I am so proud of us. It'll be hard to run by myself on Wednesday because I think we ran well together, especially today. Plus I'll miss you :( It'll be interesting to see how we do in November. Don't start running faster though or I'll be hitchhiking it to the finish line. ;-) You're really doing awesome. <3 You should be really proud of yourself.

  2. And YOU should be proud of YOU!!!!!

    I missed you running today!
