Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Week 6 Day 2 - 9/30/09

Brisk walk for 5 minutes. Run 10 minutes, walk 3 minutes, run 10 minutes.

Well, today was a bomb... and a success. When I checked the schedule this morning I got mixed up and looked at the wrong week. I thought it said to run 8 minutes, walk 3 minutes, then run 8 minutes, which is really Week 5 Day 2. I should have run for 10 minutes each time for W6 D2. So today was a bomb in that I did not do what the schedule said but it was a success that I ran for the whole 8 minutes each time. Right at the end I realized the mistake so I walked another 1.3 miles to make up for it.

The run wasn't too bad except for the 30 mph headwinds. Again, I should have listened to the newscaster when he said it would be bad out there. I wore gloves this time, which totally rocked, but my ears and face were frozen. (Maybe a nice par of earmuffins for Christmas? hint hint)
The temps were great for running but just not with the wind.
I learned my lesson toady and will go to the Y to run on the treadmill if we have wind like this again. Being in Omaha that is likely to be more often than not. I just really really REALLY do not want to go to the Y and run on a treadmill so I am prolonging it as long as possible.

Nothing interesting to report.. no weird smells, the geese have flown away, the grasshoppers hopped off, and I haven't seen the cat in a while. He must be bored with me.

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