Thursday, December 24, 2009

Wednesday - 12/23/09

Cardio: 30-45 minute run. 60-80% MHR

I have become way too obsessed with numbers, stats, heart rates, and other figures that it is taking over my running. I decided for this run to just run. No looking at the pace, no looking at my speed, no looking at the 10 other stats my watch offers, and I did not wear the heart monitor.

I decided that I was going to run 4 miles no matter how long it took me and even if I had to walk some of it. The first 3.1 miles was not too bad and really the next .90 wasn't that bad either but it was a mental game to get through it. I had to keep telling myself 'ok, just run .25 more and then you can be done'. I would run that and then tell myself again. Too bad I can't just say 'run 4 miles fast!' and do it. ;)

Stats from the run:
Miles run - 4.0
Warm up and cool down miles - 1.4
5.4 total miles

My public service announcement - Do not run 4.0 miles on the treadmill while watching Man vs. Food. I was already nauseous from running and watching him eat some sort of meaty, cheesy, liquidy thing was almost too much to get through. Barf!

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